5 Things to Do Before Your First Life Coaching Session

life coaching session information Apr 22, 2023

You made the decision to take action and sign up for Life Coaching, but now what? One of the ultimate goals of a Life Coach is to see you get as much out of your sessions as possible, so setting yourself up for success is very important. Life Coaching is an excellent way to develop and clarify your goals, identify any obstacles standing in your way, and then develop an actionable plan to help you achieve the life you really want.

In this post, you will find five things you should do before your first session with a Life Coach to make sure you are as prepared and comfortable as possible.

1. Get everything needed in order

The first thing you want to do before your Life Coaching first session is to make sure everything you need is completed, in place, and working properly.

If you’re working with Certified Life Coach Mike Kelley at Reworking Mindsets, that means that your first step is making sure your Life Coaching Agreement is signed. This agreement outlines what will be provided to you, informs you about confidentiality, and goes over details like cancellations and liability. Requiring a signed coaching agreement is standard practice and protects both you and the Life Coach/organization.

Next, you want to make sure that you have your technology set up and in order. Reworking Mindsets requires that you use Zoom with both audio and video on, but other Life Coaches may have different requirements. If you have a specific app or platform that you need to use for your session, it’s important to make sure that you have the Zoom app or program and that you are signed in on the computer, tablet, or phone that you intend to use for the session. After that, it’s best to test Zoom and make sure that your camera and audio are functioning properly. The last thing that you or your Life Coach want is for you to take valuable session time trying to get your technology working and in order. It’s always best to do this ahead of time.

Finally, think of a place where you can go where you are free of distractions for 45-60 minutes. This may be difficult for some people, especially those with children, so if you aren’t able to completely free yourself of distractions and obligations, try your best to minimize them as much as possible. It will be difficult to get the most out of your Life Coaching session if you must stop or take breaks to tend to other things.

2.Reflect on your challenges and goals

Take a moment to reflect on your current challenges. What challenges are you currently facing? Are there any obstacles or limitations preventing you from achieving your goals or even setting any? Do you have any habits or patterns that you would like to change? Thinking about these or even making a list before your first Life Coaching session will help you to understand what you want to really focus on and overcome.

In addition to challenges, think about your current goals. Do you have any? What would you like to achieve? Are there any areas of life that you’d like to improve? You will work on setting goals in your sessions, but actively thinking about goals beforehand will help both you and your Life Coach in creating a plan that’s specific to your individual needs.

3. Come with questions

Don't be afraid to ask your life coach questions. Before your first session, make a list of questions you have about the coaching process, your Life Coach's approach, the specific area they focus on, such as Mindset Life Coaching, or anything else that comes to mind. This will help you to feel more prepared and confident going into your first session.

If you decided to pursue Life Coaching through Reworking Mindsets, ideally many of your questions were already answered during your complimentary Discovery Call. If you did not schedule this call prior to signing up for Life Coaching sessions, or if you are still on the fence, you can book a free call by clicking here. You’ll then have up to 30 minutes to go over your unique situation and needs as well as ask any questions you may have.

4. Be open-minded and ready to commit to the process

To get the most out of the transformative experience that Life Coaching can be, you should go into your sessions with an open mind. Your coach will encourage you to challenge your beliefs and assumptions about yourself, others, and your life. If you go into your session defensively or are not willing to think differently, it will be extremely difficult to rework your mindset and make progress. Being open to new perspectives and ideas will be much more beneficial. Remember, your Life Coach is there to help you grow and achieve your goals.

Another extremely helpful way to get the most out of your Life Coaching sessions is to fully commit to the process. The first commitment you should make is to yourself. You are doing this to benefit you, and showing up fully and ready to engage in the coaching process is a great first step. You’ll also want to be honest with yourself and your coach, be open to feedback, and be willing to take action.

5. Take a breath and relax!

Everything is going to be just fine. Life Coaching and the preparation may feel like a lot to you right now, but your Life Coach is trained in helping you navigate at a pace that is most comfortable to you. No matter how overwhelming the process of Life Coaching or a coaching session may seem, it’s a step towards a new life, a more positive mindset, and the best version of yourself.

In conclusion, working with a Life Coach like Mike Kelley at Reworking Mindset can be a powerful experience for both personal and professional growth. By reviewing these five steps before your first session, you'll be better prepared to make the most of your coaching experience. Remember, you get as much out of the Life Coaching process as you put into it.